Updated July 28th, 2024, from my apartment in Stockholm. Cloudy, rainy, sideways sun. Very productive and positive.


  • "Personal development for smart people" by Steve Pavlina.


  • Started a new project. Very excited.
  • Tested AWS AMplify with another new project. Also, very excited. Although, so far I think I will host everything on ky own virtual server.
  • Moved this web log to AWS Amplify


  • Started a helthier diet with Eato iOS application. Very happy with it so far. I like cooking its recipes.

Updated June 16th, 2024, from my apartment in Stockholm. It’s the beginning of Summer here. Cloudy, warm, sideways rain. Very productive.


  • "Everything is fucked" by Mark Manson.


  • Made excellent progress with the bookmarks pet project.
  • The next project I am going to start with NextJS. The concept of having a separate frontend part in React and a backend part in Rust seems to be an overengineering to me now.


  • I'm still recovering after the pneumonia I had in winter.
  • Still recovering after inner ear inflammation.